When you’re ready to select an interior designer to work with on your project, the number of individuals and firms to choose from can be daunting. How do you know if you've chosen a professional designer? In general, you want a designer with the following characteristics:
One way to ensure you are working with a professional interior designer is if he or she is a member of the American Society of Interior Designers. ASID member designers must meet the profession’s education and experience requirements, as well as adhere to a strict code of ethics and professional conduct. The ASID appellation after a designer’s name indicates that he or she is an accredited interior designer who has passed rigorous professional scrutiny and testing.
The evolution of furniture from utilitarian to artful is often a key to the manners, mores and means of other times and places. In that spirit and just for fun, here are “romance” stories about some of those pieces picked up over thirty five years of studying and practicing interior design. Are they true? I don’t know for sure but if not, I’m sure at the very least they contain seeds of truth in the development of traditional furniture styles and, as I said, just for fun……. Read More fun stories here.